The people of the United Kingdom are standing with Ukraine against Russian Federation hostilities against the people of Ukraine, described by the Home Office as “an unprovoked, premeditated attack against a sovereign democratic state.”  The UK Government, Ukrainian Government and others have been sharing messages of support on social media using the hashtag #StandForUkraine.  The IOR stands with our colleagues in the RACHP sector represented by the Refrigeration Association of Ukraine. Refrigeration and air conditioning provide essential services to medical care and food supply and therefore supports humanitarian aid.  The Refrigeration Association of Ukraine has written an open letter to colleagues concerning the Russian Federation aggression against Ukraine and what the sector can do which can be read here .   

UK Government recommends that those wishing to assist humanitarian relief efforts could donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine Appeal . Further UK Government statements are available here



Photo by Max Kukurudziak on Unsplash