Towards a Circular Economy (Download Latest Version - September 2022)  A circular economy is one in which resources are circulated and used for as long as technically and economically feasible, a whole systems approach is used to increase resource efficiency and end-of-life materials are recycled and reclaimed.  This policy brief explores the challenges of developing a circular economy for the RACHP sector where most products and equipment that are in use or coming to end-of-life were not designed for circularity.  The brief covers topics such as increasing resource efficiency through design, extending product life, materials recycling and reclamation and systems thinking/energy efficiency.

This is the latest in the IOR series of Policy Briefs designed to support users of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump technologies to achieve carbon reduction through effective policy implementation, financial incentives, and emissions monitoring.

Our objective is to provide policymakers with 

  • expert advice from Institute of Refrigeration professionals on effective solutions to aid the move to Net Zero
  • the information needed to ensure that policy decisions take into account the interrelation of heating and cooling needs
  • realistic and achievable opportunities, solutions, targets and goals for users in this sector
  • the necessary depth of understanding of total life cycle and sustainable operation
  • advice for non-technical specialists responsible for high-level Net Zero strategies within BEIS and DEFRA / DFE.

Each paper covers a different topic related to the critical issues and ambitions identified in the Beyond Refrigeration Template