Submit an abstract 


Submit your abstract here

All papers presented at the conference should report on original research or on technical developments and their applications, they should contain quality scientific or technical information and must not have been published previously elsewhere.

Abstracts will need to include the following:

  • Up to 150 word summary of the paper topic
  • A title for the paper
  • Names and affiliations of authors 
  • An indication of the corresponding author and one set of email contact details.
  • Themes of the paper
  • 4-5 Keywords
  • The abstract should be written in English

All abstracts must be submitted using the online paper management system conftool. Authors will be able to submit their abstracts from the 15th September.  


  • 1st November 2024 Closing date for abstracts
  • 1st December 2024 Notification to authors of abstract acceptance 
  • 3rd February 2025 Full papers due. 
  • 10th March 2025 Authors informed of acceptance of the full paper
  • 4th April 2025 Final manuscripts with required revisions submitted


Review process

All abstracts and papers will be subject to a formal review process and authors may need to undertake some revisions as a result.  


All those submitting an abstract should be aware that:

  • Authors must personally present their papers at the conference.
  • All authors shall comply with the strict timetable for abstract and full-paper submittal.
  • All authors shall take into account reviewers’ recommendations and comply with the review-process deadlines.
  • All authors shall comply with the document entitled “Guidelines for Authors on the Presentation of Manuscripts. 

Papers publication

The final papers will be published in the conference proceedings and be distributed at the conference and SCOPUS and Web of Science. The entire manuscript for the final paper (i.e. text, figures, tables, references and abstracts) should not exceed eight (8) pages, or twelve (12) pages for plenary lectures.


Questions and correspondence should be submitted electronically to: