Benefits of sponsoring this international conference

By sponsoring this prestigious conference, you will have the unique opportunity to engage with a global audience of industry specialists, all focused on exploring the technical challenges and emerging solutions related to rising temperatures. This event promises to offer invaluable insights into the sector-specific challenges and opportunities within the RACHP industries.

Your sponsorship will ensure your brand is showcased to a targeted audience, supported by a comprehensive promotional campaign reaching both international and UK trade press, as well as networks such as the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), which represents 58 countries, and the Institute of Refrigeration (IOR) in the UK. 

This timely international event will showcase your organisation’s commitment to developing environmentally sound solutions for the future. With over sixty papers presented, a dynamic programme featuring cutting-edge keynote speakers, interactive workshops, and short courses, and 120 participants expected, your sponsorship will place you at the heart of innovation and progress in the RACHP sectors. Don’t miss the chance to connect with thought leaders and professionals who are shaping the future of this critical industry. Don’t miss the chance to position your company at the forefront of the industry’s most pressing discussions

Sponsorship options 

View the full sponsorship brochure here

  • Platinum Sponsorship Package -£7000
  • Gold Sponsorship Package - £5000
  • Silver Sponsorship Package £3500
  • Student Prize - £2000
  • Sponsorship of Drinks Receptions - £2000
  • Sponsorship of Coffee Breaks -£2000
  • An exhibition stand at the conference - £1000 

See the sponsorship packages here


To discuss sponsorship or exhibiting at the conference email or call +44 (0)208 647 7033

All prices inclusive of UK VAT